Preaching & Teaching Series

What is God saying to you through His Word?  You can join us each week as we work through a book of the Bible and see it’s relevance for you today.

About Us

Find out more about our history, who we are and what we believe by following the link below.  If you have any questions, just contact us.

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

Prayer is a great invitation from God to his people to join in the work of the Gospel.  Without prayer, the church cannot function. Join us each Tuesday, 7.30pm

Communion Sunday

Communion is first Sunday of the month and is open to all who profess faith in Jesus Christ and are faithfully following him.

Prayer Sunday

Every Second Sunday, is Prayer Sunday where we spend time in the meeting praying for one another and the world around us.

Table Tennis

Table Tennis is Every Monday from 7pm.  Over 18s and accompanied under 18s.

Prayer & Study

Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm is a time to Study the Bible and Pray for the work of the church.  Meeting at Central Hall.

Community Lunch

Join us for Lunch as we pack shoe-boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  All welcome.

Friday Prayers

We meet each Friday at 12.30pm for Prayer at Central hall.

Our times

Our Sunday morning meeting is from 10.30am to 12.00am each week, followed by coffee and cake.


Everyone Welcome

We would like to welcome everyone from all backgrounds and ages to our meetings.  We like to invite people from different faiths and no faith to join with us on a Sunday.

Other Activities

We have a prayer meeting and Bible study each week as well as monthly coffee mornings and quiz nights. We also run courses about Christianity. Click for more information.


There are currently no restrictions and we are welcoming visitors to our meetings each week.

We look forward to meeting you.

Creation. Redemption. Salvation.

 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ…”


We Gather Every Sunday Together & Tuesday

Sundays 10.30am

Tuesdays 7.30pm

Central Hall Corfe Mullen